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Pink wildflower bouquet-Bouquet-Pampas B
Pink wildflower bouquet-Bouquet-Pampas B
Pink wildflower bouquet-Bouquet-Pampas B
Pink wildflower bouquet-Bouquet-Pampas B
Pink wildflower bouquet-Bouquet-Pampas B
Pink wildflower bouquet-Bouquet-Pampas B

Pink wildflower bouquet

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Looking for the perfect gift that blends rustic charm with modern elegance? Look no further than our barbie girl arrangement!!!


These stunning arrangements feature a variety of dried botanicals in bright vibrant tones, carefully curated and perfected.


Whether you're shopping for a friend's birthday or looking to add some natural flair to your own home decor, these gorgeous florals are sure to impress. With their timeless appeal and understated beauty, they're the perfect gift for anyone who appreciates the simple things in life.


no maintenence!

approximately 18" tall with florals